Why is menstruation still a taboo subject? We're joining the revolution to break the period stigma!
Endometriosis is under-diagnosed and under-treated. This article discusses some of the signs and symptoms of endometriosis, as well as the future for the disease.
This article provides stacks of information and resources about endometriosis and its potential effects on fertility.
Meet another of our endowarriors, Hannah. In this interview she shares her experience of living with endometriosis and her difficulty in achieving diagnosis.
Co-founder Steph explains why Marilyn is her mission and why her diagnosis is only half the journey.
This interview with Jacinda* is a must-read. She's an endo-warrior who bravely shared her story with us about the impact of living with endometriosis.
Too many women are missed and dismissed in endometriosis care and it is essential we understand the barriers to treatment if we want to make a difference.
This article provides information to help you communicate effectively with your doctor by explaining the kind of language used my medical professionals to discuss pain.
An overview of the NICE guidelines and how they were designed to help women get diagnosed with endometriosis.
This article contains all the information you need to know about laparoscopic surgery and what to expect before, during and after the procedure.